Quick Weight Loss Tips

Posted by Posted by bilal On 4:03 AM

Quick Weight Loss Tips

Figure with the height of 5 feet 6 inches with the weight of 125 pounds is considered an ideal for perfect body. Now when we see the celebrities the weight is reduced to 114 pounds and height two inches taller. To maintain this figure there is continuous exercise with diet plan is to be adopted.
Here are some tips for quick and easy weight loss:
DETERMINE YOUR CALORIE REQUIREMENT: First of all determine your requirement of calories by applying simple formula as Body Weight [lb] x 15 + (moderate activity [mines/day] x 3.5 If you want to lose weight you should have BMR value-500kcal. You may use on line calorie meter to calculate your calories requirement.
EAT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AT LEAST: Fresh fruits and vegetables are the source of fibers, antioxidants, and vitamins. They keep you energetic by fulfilling your energy and nutritional requirements and also keep your calorie content low.
WATCH FOR PORTION SIZE: If you reduce the portion size of your serving but it should contain all you like and desire. It will offer the best solution of maintaining your weight. It requires that there is no need of making the plate cleans every time but either take small plate or left over few bites for the next time.
DIVIDE THE MEAL IN TO 5 OR 6 PORTIONS: Instead of taking the three big meals divide the meal in five or six smaller portions and expand this through out the day. It will keep you fully nourished as well as meet the requirements of cravings.
AVOID PROCESSED FOODS: Take foods which are in fresh form  and avoid the  packed and synthetic foods. The processed foods have high sodium and fat contents so it is great trick in losing weight by the use of  home cooked foods instead of  fast foods.
ALTERNATE YOU’RE CRAVINGS: Every one has some cravings and likes which may be used frequently and often. These cravings increase your weight much but if you control these once in while or alternate with some healthy eating’s it will help you much in reducing weight.
UNDERSTAND THE FOOD LABELING: Each food has its labeling contents which are to be considered before taking the food. The food labeled with low fat contents does not mean that it has no fat and low calories.
RESTRICT YOUR SUGARY IN TAKES: Ice creams, sodas and sugar in coffee and tea all are source of increasing weight. Limit them or avoid them as much as possible. Drink plain water approximately eight glasses per day keep you hydrated and with feeling of fullness.
DO EXERCISE REGULARLY: The exercise of 30-60 minutes daily is helpful in keeping you active and maintains your body weight.


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