How to walk your way to Health?

Posted by Posted by bilal On 1:53 AM

It’s all about taking those extra steps, footing a few yards, with headphones plugged into your ears or a companion by your side, you can practically jog your way to health.
Need more incentives, check out the following reasons why you should be on your toes for a walk every day:
Tread and shed:
• Walk, walk and walk. Follow this simple mantra and you’ll be slim without having to do much exercise.

Brisk walks to prevent bowel cancer:
• A new study in the British Journal of cancer shows that those who walk regularly cut their risk of having bowel cancer by 24 percent. Now, who’s up for walking huh?

Walk off  heart disease..:
• About 37% of heart disease deaths are linked to inactivity. Walking decreases the risk and pulls you out from the stroke. Take a walk today to prevent a heart attack tomorrow.

Walking strengthens bones:
• Walking helps guard against osteoporosis. All it takes is 180 minutes a day to maintain bone density. Or else you can expect a crack anytime especially in your middle age.

Boosts your immune system:
• You are less likely to pick up coughs, sneezes and sniffs if you go for walks regularly because it enhances your immune system.

Guards against Osteoporosis 
• Walking helps guard against osteoporosis. All it takes is 180 minutes a day to maintain bone density. Or else you can expect a crack anytime especially in your middle age.

Life’s short. So, walk to stay young and vibrant!


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