Cream Massage | Make Your Own Body

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Cream Massage Make Your Own Body

Cream Massage Make Your Own Body

Cream Massage | Make Your Own Body – Massage is the way to manipulate the body and enhance its function, helps in healing and promote the relaxation and well being of the body. It should be with some mechanical aid or manually. But the soft touch with ingredients from natural environment has their own worth.
Massage can be done with essential oils or with some massaging product avail able in market. It is beneficial both economically and functionally to prepare your own massage cream in home. In consistency it is thicker then massages lotion and essential oil so leave its effects more long lasting then the others.
To prepare your own massaging cream the following steps are involved:
  1. Take ¾ cup of apricot oil and ½ oz of bees wax in bowl and melt it in microwave for about 2 minutes.
  2. Now take out the melted mixture from the heated microwave and allow it to cool.
  3. Add in to it 1/3 cup of aloe Vera ,2/3 cup of  rose water and  put this in clean blender for  blending to get the homogenous mixture .
  4. With the above ingredients add the oil and bees wax and blend for one minute as thick consistency mixture is obtained.
  5. Transfer the mixture in the air tight container.
  6. To give it fragrance adds 6-8 drops of essential oil.
  7. The aroma of each oil has its specific effect on mind and body, the oil selected according to the needs of mental and physical health.
  8. Keep the massage cream at handy place as easy to approach to get the best results from it.
The following essential oils may be selected after browsing their effects in aroma with massage therapy:
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree
  • Chamomile
  • Clary Sage
  • Lemon
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Geranium
  • Yiang Ylang
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint


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