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Dark Eye Circles Around Eyes

Dark Eye Circles Around Eyes

Dark Eye Circles Around Eyes

Dark Eye Circles Around Eyes,
Eyes are the window to soul.Bright sparkling eyes are attracted by every one.But eyes are delicate too. The skin under eyes is also delicate as compared to other body, the veins get stress by long depression, lack of proper rest and overwork may also cause this. So this may appear in form of wrinkles and dark circles, if they appear it is difficult to remove proper and regular care is needed for their removal.
The removal of dark circles start from the finding of cause. if cause is determined it will be minimize or be vanished. Here are some tips to remove it.
  1. If it is due to inadequate sleep first to change your lifestyle to have a proper sleep.
  2. If due to some allergy or illness try to recover it..
  3. Balanced nutrition is needed to recover such.
All this can be reduced by simple home remedies taken fro kitchen garden.
  • Take a slice of cucumber and put it on eyes whenever u lying just for 10-15 minutes. It will refresh the tiredness of eyes and also gives the soothing effect to the eyes.
  • Thin slices of potatoes in raw form when put on eyes also remove the dark circles from the eye.
  • The tea bags after use not to be discarded but cool them and place them on eyes for sometime.
  • Take a spoon of steel and keep it in freezer for 10-15 minutes and put it on circles until it get warm.
  • Eat foods which have good supply of vitamin K, because vitamin k is best for under skin of eyes. These vitamins are often found in spinach, beside this cabbage, salad leaves are also plays important role..
  • Make some night cream for eyes and apply it before going to sleep regularly, it should have vitamin E, because this vitamin recover the skin SLEEPING HABITS:
Focus on sleeping habits,take a sleep of 7-9 hours, remove eye makeup and  do massage with night cream so that the blood circulation will become correct and puffiness, discoloration should be avoided..
Try to keep yourself away from anxiety, if continuous depression is taken it will also cause the dark eye circles so keep yourself away from it..
If there is an itching or irritation in the eyes then it should not be rubbed vigorously because the skin is delicate and will be wrinkled or get  to be discolored..
Stay relaxed and control the dark circles under your eyes by proper care.

How To Get Longer Lashes

The properly long and curled eye lashes are the characteristics of beauty. The ancient women try different basichome remedies to carry the long lashes. It works well now. Though it is inherited but with the application of trendy make up we can make them long and thicker. The mascaras play the best role in making the eye lashes long and thicker.
Some tips are followed to apply the mascara for the great look of eye lashes;
  1. For giving the illusion of thicker lashes apply the liner a tone darker to the color of the lashes and apply it closely to the lash line so that at the roots of hairs of lashes appear dense. If the line of the eye liner is nicely extended outer to the edge it will also give his impact of longer eye lashes
  2. If the eye lashes are curled out ward it will again the appearance of thick eye lashes.
  3. Wipe your mascara brush with the tissue so that it will prevent the clumping of the product when applied. The product if applied in excess it will also cause the smudging of the lashes which give the unpleasant look.
  4. Now gently roll the mascara brush from the inner side of the lashes toward the outer wavy turnings, always from base to tips of the lashes.
  5. To the outer third of the upper eye lashes are gently sweep again to give the wider look of the lashes.
  6. To coat the lower lashes the sweep of mascara brush vertically across the entire lower lashes. If any mascara clump remained at the lower side it will be avoided by keeping the tissue under the lower eye lashes.
  7. The child tooth brush is used to comb the eye lashes and to remove the clumps of the mascara from the lashes.

Underarm Laser Treatment

Underarm Laser Treatment

Underarm Laser Treatment
Underarm Laser Treatment - Laser hair removalparticularly under the arms, is it worth it? Question which will be answered if we consider the pain factor, duration of treatment procedure, and any thing else which will decide the ease in its application .There are some guide lines to check the worth of it for under arms:
EXPECTATIONS FROM LASER: The first and the most desired expectation from laser treatment is to remove the unwanted hairs permanently. It will be fulfilled to 70 -80% with the use of treatment after the completion of 6 sessions with the gap of four to five weeks. Afterward the hair become thin or fine and require only touch ups to remove /  the growth rate is also inhibited to great extent. It is great advantage over the waxing, tweed zing, plucking and threading.
HOW IT WORKS; It affects the pigment melanin of the hair and destroys the hair follicles. It is the reason why it is more effective for thick dark hair. Laser treatment is ineffective for white, grey and golden hair as they have no pigment in them.
PAIN OR HURTING FACTOR: It is painless and just experiences a mild discomfort or sensation of heat across the skin during the treatment, which will vanish after the application of cold compress.
COST: Its cost varies according to the area of consultation but if we compare it with the   long life expenditures of waxing, shaving etc it will be economically more beneficial.
GUARANTEED: Our hair has three phases: growth, resting and shedding. The laser treatment effects the growing phase of the hair and shed them in natural way. It is the marvelous way to inhibit their growth.
LEAVE THE SKIN SMOOTH: With continues shaving or any other traditional method of hair removing will give the skin a green shade after frequent use and destroy the original skin tone. All this looks very ugly. The use of laser leaves the skin smooth without any discoloration. It gives the incredible relief to the majority of women.
NO FEAR OF INGROWING HAIR: With the use of hair removing creams or waxing the chances of in growing hair are more. By the use of laser hair removal for armpits these are eliminated and women enjoy the sleeveless and swimsuits comfortably. They spends the holidays at beach with hairless spa.

Cream Massage | Make Your Own Body

Cream Massage Make Your Own Body

Cream Massage Make Your Own Body

Cream Massage | Make Your Own Body – Massage is the way to manipulate the body and enhance its function, helps in healing and promote the relaxation and well being of the body. It should be with some mechanical aid or manually. But the soft touch with ingredients from natural environment has their own worth.
Massage can be done with essential oils or with some massaging product avail able in market. It is beneficial both economically and functionally to prepare your own massage cream in home. In consistency it is thicker then massages lotion and essential oil so leave its effects more long lasting then the others.
To prepare your own massaging cream the following steps are involved:
  1. Take ¾ cup of apricot oil and ½ oz of bees wax in bowl and melt it in microwave for about 2 minutes.
  2. Now take out the melted mixture from the heated microwave and allow it to cool.
  3. Add in to it 1/3 cup of aloe Vera ,2/3 cup of  rose water and  put this in clean blender for  blending to get the homogenous mixture .
  4. With the above ingredients add the oil and bees wax and blend for one minute as thick consistency mixture is obtained.
  5. Transfer the mixture in the air tight container.
  6. To give it fragrance adds 6-8 drops of essential oil.
  7. The aroma of each oil has its specific effect on mind and body, the oil selected according to the needs of mental and physical health.
  8. Keep the massage cream at handy place as easy to approach to get the best results from it.
The following essential oils may be selected after browsing their effects in aroma with massage therapy:
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree
  • Chamomile
  • Clary Sage
  • Lemon
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Geranium
  • Yiang Ylang
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint

How To Whiten All Over Your Body

How To Whiten All Over Your Body

How To Whiten All Over Your Body

How to whiten your all body is the main question raised in everywhere. Or if I said that it is main problem and desire of the girl that she wants to be the beautiful and she wants to be adopted the white and rosy colors. That all persons are attracting herself. Because the white color of the girls are very essential because their white color support them for finding the great relationship with the husband.
The girls are nearly very conscious about the White color as well. That’s why we tell some whiteningtips as under, if you follow these then you will get the white color which is your desire one.
Here are some tips about the whitening of Body color.
Increase the intake of the vitamin C: Intake the Vitamin C is the best and very good thing for increasing the colors. This will help to keep the skin strong by the maintaining the skin. You can increase the Vitamin C in your body as you can eating more food and Food contain the Vitamin C. e.g. Citrus fruit, Juices are the best, Strawberries, Sweet peppers, tomatoes and green peas.
Increase the Vitamin A in your body: All we know that our skin is made up of or composed of the Retinol which contains the Vitamin A and this will help to increase the Vitamin A in your body and you can also raised the numbers of the Vitamin A in your body as you can eat more eggs yolk and drink the nonfat milk.
Drink 8 to 10 Glass of Water daily: Water is the essential part of the body and it plays the vital role in the whiteness of the body. For whitening the skin you must drink at least 8 to 10 glass of water daily and water takes your dullness and black ness back to their way.
Exercise is the key: Exercise is the key for whiten the all body parts and it protects the body from germs and stumble the body to bring back your freshness and whiteness.

Body Care Starts With Appreciating Your Ownself

Body Care is not just the name that you apply different creams and lotion to your self and hope that every thing will be ok. No the reality is that you have to think about your self-positive first. What ever other say about your self? But you have to be positive about your own self. This will give you good start for you.

Quick Weight Loss Tips

Quick Weight Loss Tips

Figure with the height of 5 feet 6 inches with the weight of 125 pounds is considered an ideal for perfect body. Now when we see the celebrities the weight is reduced to 114 pounds and height two inches taller. To maintain this figure there is continuous exercise with diet plan is to be adopted.
Here are some tips for quick and easy weight loss:
DETERMINE YOUR CALORIE REQUIREMENT: First of all determine your requirement of calories by applying simple formula as Body Weight [lb] x 15 + (moderate activity [mines/day] x 3.5 If you want to lose weight you should have BMR value-500kcal. You may use on line calorie meter to calculate your calories requirement.
EAT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AT LEAST: Fresh fruits and vegetables are the source of fibers, antioxidants, and vitamins. They keep you energetic by fulfilling your energy and nutritional requirements and also keep your calorie content low.
WATCH FOR PORTION SIZE: If you reduce the portion size of your serving but it should contain all you like and desire. It will offer the best solution of maintaining your weight. It requires that there is no need of making the plate cleans every time but either take small plate or left over few bites for the next time.
DIVIDE THE MEAL IN TO 5 OR 6 PORTIONS: Instead of taking the three big meals divide the meal in five or six smaller portions and expand this through out the day. It will keep you fully nourished as well as meet the requirements of cravings.
AVOID PROCESSED FOODS: Take foods which are in fresh form  and avoid the  packed and synthetic foods. The processed foods have high sodium and fat contents so it is great trick in losing weight by the use of  home cooked foods instead of  fast foods.
ALTERNATE YOU’RE CRAVINGS: Every one has some cravings and likes which may be used frequently and often. These cravings increase your weight much but if you control these once in while or alternate with some healthy eating’s it will help you much in reducing weight.
UNDERSTAND THE FOOD LABELING: Each food has its labeling contents which are to be considered before taking the food. The food labeled with low fat contents does not mean that it has no fat and low calories.
RESTRICT YOUR SUGARY IN TAKES: Ice creams, sodas and sugar in coffee and tea all are source of increasing weight. Limit them or avoid them as much as possible. Drink plain water approximately eight glasses per day keep you hydrated and with feeling of fullness.
DO EXERCISE REGULARLY: The exercise of 30-60 minutes daily is helpful in keeping you active and maintains your body weight.

How To Get Beautiful Lips

Lips are the beautiful features in feminine beauty. lips are the important feature in our looks that make our personality attractive. Though we are not blessed always with thebeauty of this feature but by continuous care and properly contorting makes them beautiful. These have skin which has no sweat glands. So they become rough and cracked. Dry very easily.
The beautiful healthy lips are pinkish, soft ant smooth looking. They need to be shiny if you are in good health. There are many ways by which you can make your lips sexy and voluptuous. Healthy diet is very important to attain the beauty of lips. Dry chapped lips are sometimes due to harsh climatic conditions so all these factors should be eliminated while beauty of lips is desired. However following measures should be taken in home to have beautiful lips.
  • Lip balm should be applied on lips to keep them moisturized and shiny. Saliva does not moisturize the lips so avoid licking frequently. Vaseline may also be applied before going to sleep on daily basis especially in cold dry weather.
  • Whenever a dry lipstick is applied on lips the lips should be coated with lip balm.
  • When the lips get dry the flakes should not be removed by teeth but use soft tooth brush to keep them away.
  • Apply honey daily at night when you going to sleep it will make your lips reddish naturally as you have applied lipstick.
  • If you have pale lips then take some ginger juice and add this in egg yolk of village chicken and take it in break fast daily. After some days you will get beautiful red lips.
  • If lips get black by the use of wrong lipstick then use the tooth paste and apply it on lips for 10 minutes then wash.
  • Lemon juice or coriander juice when applied on lips it will also recover the dark color of your lips.
  • Rubbing the tomato slices on lips for 5 to 10 minutes will also bring the red color of lips if it become blackish by some drug allergy or by  smoking ,
  • Grinded rose petals win applied on lips they will surely brings the rosy lips.
  • Hydrogenated ghee may be applied on lips at night and leave them overnight. It will make the lips soft and smooth.
  • The lipsticks whenever be used these are removed at night.
  • Lip primer should be used every time before applying the lipstick, so that the chemical effects of lipsticks should be reduced.

First look of film ‘Jodi Breakers’ unveiled

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Jodi Breakers poster 192x300 The first look of Bipasha Basu and R. Madhavan starrer comedy “Jodi Breakers” is out.
While Bipasha looks chic and stylish in a red gown, Madhavan looks urban and sophisticated in an all-black outfit, coupled with spectacles.
“Jodi Breakers” is an up-beat, modern-age, urban humour film, that revolves around dysfunctional relationships, which eventually lead to break ups. The film is slated to release in February, 2012.

Bollywood stars celebrate Christmas with family, friends

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Bollywood celebrities extended their best wishes on Christmas Sunday. Some even shared their plans for the day on Twitter – some would celebrate with friends and family while others have jetted off for vacations.
Madhuri Dixit is off to the Maldives with husband Shriram Nene and children Arin and Rayaan.
“Excited! Off to the Maldives for some rest and relaxation…Hope everyone is having a good holiday season,” the 44-year-old posted on Twitter.
Ajay Devgan, who is married to Kajol, is also on vacation although he did not reveal the location.
“Enjoying the Christmas air! Gonna sign off for the holidays an see u guys back in the new year! Ciao,” Devgn posted.
Riteish Deshmukh joined good friend Arshad Warsi and his wife Maria Goretti for a Christmas brunch.
“Off to Maria Goretti and Arshad Warsi’s house for Xmas brunch-She is the worlds best Bawarchi-No wonder Arshad is known as the heavy weight actor,” Deshmukh, 33, posted.
Celina Jaitly is enjoying the festive mood in Dubai.
“Attended a beautiful Xmas mass at the Dubai church .. Was emotionally very moved. Was wonderful to see people from so many countries come together,” the 30-year-old wrote.
“I Hate Luv Storys” director Punit Malhotra stayed at home on the occasion.
“Merry Christmas people. May the festival shower u with all the happiness and prosperity in the world. Happy holidays! Full on celebrations at home. Moms v excited, brought home a baby tree with some wonderful goodies,” he posted.
Abhishek Bachchan, who was recently blessed with a baby girl with wife Aishwarya, offered good wishes to fans.
“Wish all of you a very merry Christmas. Spread the love, joy and happiness. God bless,” he wrote.
Anupam Kher posted: “Happiness is the cheapest thing in the world when we buy it for someone else. Merry Christmas.”
Priyanka Chopra tweeted: “Merry Xmas guys…may we all be blessed with peace and contentment..and the happiness to live and love..and be loved..Thank u all for loving me.”
Karan Johar posted: “Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you!!! Its the season to forgive…to forget…to skip regret…to live and let….”
Music composer Vishal Dadlani posted: “Merry Christmas you all Jesus changed the world with love and compassion for all. Try it, it might still work.”
Arjun Rampal wrote: “Merry Xmas, be free, be alive, be in love, be yourself, because everyone is beautiful. Love u all.”
Bipasha Basu posted: “Merry Xmas all!Peace to the world!”

‘Don 2′ grosses Rs 15 crore on first day

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Shahrukh Khan’s “Don 2 – The King is Back” has earned Rs.15.3 crore on the opening day, which is the highest first day collection on a non-holiday Friday.
The film is a sequel to Farhan Akhtar’s 2006 “Don”, which was a remake of the 1978 Amitabh Bachchan starrer of the same name.
In overseas markets, “Don-2..” broke the record for the highest single day gross for a Hindi film in Australia with estimated earnings of US$82,000 Friday. The earlier record was Reliance Entertainment’s “Bodyguard” at US$74,000.
“Don 2″, also starring Priyanka Chopra, Boman Irani, Kunal Kapoor and Lara Dutta earned $550,000 in North America, beating “My Name is Khan” opening day gross of $445,000

Kareena Kapoor is magic – Imran Khan

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Imran Khan has already admitted Kareena Kapoor is his favourite actress. Working with her in romantic comedy “Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu” has only strengthened his belief.
“She is like a light bulb. The second the director says ‘action’, this light comes up and you can’t take your eyes off her. She is magic,” Imran said on the sidelines of an event here.
Imran’s crackling chemistry with Kareena in the promos of “Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu” is there for all to see. In fact, he was so much in awe of the 31-year-old stunner that he ended up taking almost 100 pictures of Kareena during the film shoot. Producer Karan Johar has suggested he exhibit the pictures soon.
Even when Imran was asked to choose the most stylish actress of B-Town, he was quick to respond, and said: “I think my vote goes to Kareena.”

A. R. Rahman unveils romantic album at Taj Mahal

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What better than the symbol of love, the Taj Mahal, as the backdrop to the launch of a romantic music album for the film “Ek Deewana Tha”, says Oscar-winning music composer A.R. Rahman.
“The movie has so many romantic songs, so what can be the perfect way to project my songs with Taj as a backdrop. I always want people to recognise my music and this is what I am trying to do (through this album),” Rahman told reporters here on the sidelines of the music launch.
“The film is the perfect expression of love and that’s what the songs speak,” he added. Rahman was accompanied by the film’s cast, Prateik and Amy Jackson.
Even Prateik is excited to have got a chance to work with The Mozart of Madras.
“I love Taj, especially because it is a symbol of love. Also, working with Rahman was such a delight,” said Prateik.
The album has an interesting mix of romantic and emotional numbers. While two of them are fresh Hindi songs, the remaining five are Hindi versions of original songs sung in Tamil and Telugu. The lyrics are penned by Javed Akhtar.

Abhishek Bachchan visits Ajmer Sharif after 7 years

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Abhishek Bachchan, on a promotional tour for his upcoming film “Players”, took time off to visit the shrine of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti in Ajmer after a gap of seven years.
“Had the morning off so drove down to Ajmer Sharif. Went back there after almost seven years. It’s always wonderful to go there and seek blessings,” Abhishek wrote on Twitter.
The actor is currently in Jaipur for the film promotion.
Directed by Abbas-Mustan, “Players” has an ensemble cast featuring Bobby Deol, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Sikander Kher, Bipasha Basu, Sonam Kapoor and Omi Vaidya, apart from Abhishek.

Salman Khan is my driving force – Himesh Reshammiya

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“For me it’s always been god, dad and Salman Khan. He (Salman) has been a driving force for me. I just want to thank him for his support. Thank you Salman bhai,” said 38-year-old Himesh, whose music in the actor’s “Bodyguard” was well-received by the audiences.
Himesh, who reportedly had a spat with Salman sometime back, minced no words while thanking the actor and his family for helping him at every stage of his decade-long career either a music director, singer or even as an actor.
“After this break of one-and-a-half years and with love and good wishes of Salman bhai, my first film “Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya” was possible because of the Khan family and now my 101st film “Bodyguard” also is getting me awards. It’s all because of their love. In some way or the other Salman bhai has been the reason for my success,” said Himesh.
After his success as a composer-singer, Himesh took up acting in films like “Aap Ka Suroor”, “Karzzzz”, “Kajraare” and “Damadamm”. He is looking forward to more acting and music assignments.
“Now after this break I am all set to give music, and I will give music for a lot of films. I will produce quite a few films too and will also start with my acting spree. I have four films in hand.
“I’m creatively reloaded. I’m ready with eight to nine scripts, which I have compiled for production houses. As far as the music front is concerned, when I had come here at the age of 16, I came with 300 songs and today I am ready with 500 songs and have signed 250 artists for”it,” he added.
Himesh is also set for some international projects, both, as a composer and as an actor.
“An international album in collaboration with Lil Wayne and Edward Maya is also ready. I have formulated 15 songs for it and the album is called ‘The Edge’. DJ Edward Maya is doing my song and Roman White, who directs Justin Bieber’s videos is directing our album too. I am also doing an international film ‘A * Is Killed’,” said Himesh.