Pir Pagara death

Posted by Posted by bilal On 1:47 AM

The body of Pakistan Muslim League-Functional (PML-F) head and religious leader of Hurs Pir Sahib Pagara will be flown into Pakistan tomorrow morning and he will be laid to rest in Pir Jo Goth.
Sindh government announced three-day mourning over his demise; while, PML-F announced to mark 40-day mourning.
The mourners swarmed Kingri House in Karachi, where Pir Pagara’s son Gohar Ali Shah directed mureeds to arrive in Pir Jo Goth.
Several cities in the province are mourning the demise, as markets are closed with roads deserted. The mourning cities include Shikarpur, Sanghar and Khairpur.
Earlier numerous Pakistani nationals streamed into the hospital in London as the report of his death went on air and offered condolences to his son Pir Sibghatullah Rashdi.
The former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz also dropped in the hospital and said Pir Pagara was a great leader.
Pir Pagara was being treated since November 24 in Karachi and was shifted to a London hospital a week ago for further medical care.


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